Hash N+257 "April Fools' Day Hash"
Sunday, 5th of April
Setting trail by beautiful weather was a breeze and very much enjoyed by Just Jan and I Lost Myself. Just Jan was a bit cheating setting the runners trail with his pushbike, but one can understand him since the hares must set trail and do the same trail again with the other Hashers.
The first Hashers assembled from 14:30 and all eyes were looking in the sky to see if the rain would bypass our location, which is part of the Brasilia weather; on one side of the street is pisses down - and the other is bone dry.
Punctually at 15:00 we had our answer; it started bucketing down. The trail was for sure gone, but that didn’t stop us in the past. But it rained relentlessly, and it was decided to abandon the Hash. Not only because of the rain, but parts of the trail were on very slippery ground, and we didn’t want to risk any injuries.
So unanimously it was decided to move the Hash to the popular restaurant Beirute for some golden ales and food. And after the word spread in the BH3 community, more Hashers joined us.
This was only the fifth time that a Hash was abandoned in 7 years; three because of Covid, and two because of heavy rains. Not a bad record.
Thank you to Just Jan and I Lost Myself for setting trail, even if nobody hashed it. Shit happens as we say in Germany and you needed the exercise anyway.
Next Hash will be in 2 weeks, hopefully the weather gods will be kind to us.
On On
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