Sunday, August 25, 2024

                             Hash N+294 "Vila Planalto Hash"

Sunday, 1st of September

Here are some snapshots from the latest Hash in the scenic maze of Vila Planalto. Only the most committed (or possibly the most insane) Hashers braved the scorching, dry weather for this one—but wow, what a trail!

We kicked off at the Concha Acústica and zigzagged our way around the lake, eventually stumbling into the ever-charming Vila Planalto. Those narrow, twisted streets were practically made for Hashing—complete with a million checkpoints and a few sneaky false trails. The locals were left scratching their heads, probably wondering why a bunch of sweaty gringos were running around in the midday desert.

Of course, we had a much-needed beer stop at a local bar where we rinsed off the dust with some liquid gold. After that, it was a dusty but happy trek back to the starting point, where we wrapped up with a small circle—because what’s a Hash without some post-run shenanigans?

Next Hash is in two weeks, brought to you by Just Laura and Just Nathan.

On On!

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